We have lift orf!

Well hello, didn’t see you there, come on in, help yourself to a drink, we don’t stand on ceremony here you know, there’s drinks in the cabinet and well, sit ye down, make yourself comfortable.

Welcome to my humble little corner on the web, kind of cosy ain’t it? Why here? Why now? Well, for a long while I’ve wanted somewhere central to collect my work, as well as to allow the uncommonly curious to find out a little bit more about me.

Of course, like the cheap shill I am, since I’ll also have things to read and flog, so it’s also going to be a place where you can secure yourself some of the words and other things I’m producing.

Herein, I’ll be posting thoughts, musings and random stuff that I like. Books, sci-fi and fantasy are the core things that tickle my happy place, but I’ll probably also post some fluff on gaming, cricket, snowboarding, sport and other things I find amusing.

Indeed, this may well be your ‘one-stop-shop for all things Houlihan’ or something equally ghastly, and if ever you needed convincing something should be strangled at birth that phrase should seal it.

Don’t worry, I must do better and I will.

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